When starting to use virtual warehouses all inventory will be unallocated. In order to get going, the easiest way of allocating inventory to the VSLs from the physical warehouses is using the export import functionality described below.
- Start out at the unallocated inventory overview. Click on one of the warehouses.
- You will be redirected to the unallocated inventory Product-list-view. On the top of the list click the menu icon and then Export. Selected Excel and click Export.
- The resulting file will look like the int following example. It should contain one line per virtual warehouse (connected to the selected store from step 1) and for each variant.
- Modify the column NewInventory in the generated file to specify the new Inventory for the virtual stock locations. Save the file.
- Modify the column NewInventory in the generated file to specify the new Inventory for the virtual stock locations. Save the file.
- Go to Configuration → Import → Excel. Upload your modified file and select it for import. Use the following mapping when performing the import. Remember to set “Create” to true.
- Click Next and then Import. This should now create inventory on the virtual warehouses with the specified inventory and reduce the unallocated inventory correspondingly.