Product Search

  • Updated

The product search function enables you to find products when making purchase orders, filling up a cart or when looking to change a product. The search function is designed to provide accurate and relevant results by leveraging a scoring system based on multiple factors.

The product search can be adjusted to your needs and tested in the product settings. Navigate to configuration -> products -> search


Scoring and Relevance

  1. Frequency of Keywords: Documents are ranked based on how frequently a search term appears in specific fields. The more often a keyword appears in a field, the higher the score for that document.
  2. Field Length: The score is adjusted according to the length of the text in the searchable field. Keywords found in shorter texts contribute more to the score compared to those in longer texts.
  3. Keyword Rarity: The rarity of a keyword across all documents also influences the score. If a keyword is uncommon, documents containing it will receive a higher score.
  4. Position of Keywords: An additional boost is applied when a keyword appears early in the text. The earlier the keyword occurs, the higher the score for that document.

Matching Mechanisms

  • Phrase Matching: The search function returns search results that match the terms from the search text in any order. The search splits the text into terms where there are spaces, special characters or when combining letters and numbers. The search phrase “bicycle_pump123” will make a search on the terms “bicycle”, “pump” and “123”.
  • Partial matches of single words: Searching for parts of a word is not supported to avoid unintended or less relevant results. It will only work if you include the first characters of the term like “bicy” in “bicycle”, while “cycle” will not work to do the same.
  • Word Matching in Multi-word Searches: When the search query consists of multiple words, partial word matches are not allowed. For example, a query like “tire” within “tire pump” must be part of a complete phrase. This prevents irrelevant matches and ensures the results align closely with the user’s intent.

Configurable Settings for Product Search

Our search functionality includes customizable settings to fine-tune results:

  • Toggles for Features:
    • Search Synonyms: Enable or disable synonym matching to include variations of your search terms.
    • Fuzziness: Allow minor spelling variations and typos to match relevant results.
    • Popularity: Boost results for popular products to prioritize frequently purchased or recommended items.
    • Promotions: Highlight promoted products by giving them a higher priority.
    • In Stock: Prioritize products that are currently available.
    • Published: Focus on items that are live and visible in the product catalog.
  • Prefix Boosting: Enhance the ranking of results based on matches at the beginning of the product name.
  • Property Boosting: Assign additional weight to specific properties or attributes, such as name, description, brand or category names.

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