Custom reports

  • Updated

Custom reports allow you to create tailored reports that meet your specific needs. You can customize the content and choose where the reports will be displayed.


Creating a custom report

  1. Access the Reports Configuration
    Navigate to ConfigurationAdvancedReports.
    Click on the three dots (menu icon) and select Add.
  2. Select the Report Type
    Choose the type of report you want to create. The available areas will depend on the type you select.

    Note: If no type is selected, properties will not be available for customization.
  3. Define Report Details
    • Enter a Name for the report, which will be visible in the user interface.
    • Provide a Description to explain the report’s purpose.
  4. Decide the Report Placement
    Choose whether the report will appear in the Reports Module or a specific Area in Omnium.
  5. Select and Configure Properties
    • Use the dropdown menu to select properties to include in the report.
    • For each property, specify the data type. Currently available data types are:
      • String
      • Number
      • Date
      • Formula
    • Optionally, add a prefix for the property.
  6. Publish the Report
    After configuring the report, publish your changes. The report will now be available in the chosen location.


  • Properties with List objects: Fields containing list objects will appear blank in the report.
  • Date formats and number separators: Currently, there is no way to control the date format or the use of , or . as separators in numeric fields. These formats are predefined by the system.

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