Make order read only / lock order
To configure Omnium to automatically lock orders and make them read-only once they reach a specific status (e.g., Sent or Shipped) as part of the workflow: Go to Configur...
Geolocation - Workflow Step
Try splitting unreserved order lines to nearest coordinates How it works: We determine the customer's coordinates based on their delivery address (postal code and country...
Add order tags by skuID
As a part of the workflow, tags can be applied to orders when they contain a product with a specific SKU ID. Orders will be tagged as specified, and this process can be re...
Add new product properties
When you’re adding properties for your products, there are two ways you can add them: Properties can be defined globally, so they’re available to be used on any product,...
Notification - payment expire
In Omnium you can create a transactional email templates that is specifically designed to alert about expiring payments. These templates ensure that orders are not left un...
Add new facets to product search
Facets help users filter the product search by various criteria such as brand and catalog. Properties that can be added as a facet Categories Brand Color Errors Catalo...
Language codes
Custom languages codes In configuration, you will find a list of language codes used in Omnium. These language codes can be customized according to your company's needs an...
Add or change logo
Logo settings in Omnium can be configured globally, per market, and per store. When generating notifications or prints such as order confirmation, Omnium will first attemp...
Add order tags by category ID
As part of the workflow, tags can be added to orders containing products with specific category IDs. Orders will receive tags as specified, and this action can be repeated...
Import products from Excel
Products can be imported to Omnum from an Excel spreadsheet. Here is an example of one way of doing this. In this example we want to edit some properties on existing produ...
Assign access rights to roles
To set access rights for a newly created role, follow these steps: Navigate to configuration -> authorization -> access rights. Select a component (e.g., "Order") and cli...
Add return types
In Omnium, you have the option to include various reasons for order returns, allowing you to choose from them when needed. To add different return reasons, follow these st...