Debugging orders with event logs and version history

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Using event logs and version history

Logs and version history are helpful tools for managing orders. They show what has happened with an order, including its status and changes over time. By looking at these records, you can easily track what’s going on and quickly find and fix any issues.

Event log

The event log shows all the statuses an order has had, who made updates and when, and any error messages that occurred. It also provides details on the workflows completed at each workflow step, like whether the payment was captured. By reviewing this information, you can gather important details and address any issues with the order.

  1. Click on the three ellipses in the right corner.
  2. Click on log

  3. Click on the arrow to see which workflow steps were successful and if any steps failed.

Version history

Using version history can be incredibly helpful. It lets you see exactly what has changed between versions, making it easy to spot errors or understand the reasons behind adjustments. In the example below, we can see that between versions, the changes made by the user Thomas include the quantity being changed from 1 to 2.

  1. Click on the three ellipses -> version history.

  2. To compare two different versions, click on the first version and then select the second version you want to compare it to. Make sure to click the "Compare" text underneath.


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